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Effective Performance Management and Appraisal (2 hours)

Dates and Venues 

Wednesday 25 September 2024 9.30am – 12.00pm, Newburn Activity Centre


Ensuring all staff in schools are working effectively towards clear objectives linked to school and academy improvement plans is integral to sustained school improvement and staff motivation and development.

Through education-based examples and case studies, this session is aimed at all school leaders to equip delegates with the knowledge and practical skills to effectively manage all aspects of performance management and appraisal for both teaching and support staff.

Course outline

The session will cover:

Statutory requirements and best practice for effective management of performance in schools

What does effective performance management in schools look Effective appraiser/appraisee preparation for appraisal meetings

Annual appraisals – how to provide constructive feedback and set effective targets linked to school improvement priorities

Using appraisals and performance management to inform CPD

The link between performance and pay progression

Mid-cycle review processes

The Trade Union position

How to identify and manage a performance concern within the appraisal/performance management process

When and how to use an informal support plan under the appraisal/performance management procedure

Transition from performance management to capability